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[Vol.24 No.2] Ji Won YOU (2023) How Does the Frequency of Instructor Feedback Affect Perceived Loafing and Team Performance in Team Project-Based Learning? A Moderated Mediation Approach
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  • 1416
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  • 2023-10-31 01:32:44

This study focuses on the instructor’s role in student-centered learning and aims to test the effects and moderating role of instructor feedback on perceived loafing in team project-based learning. A conditional effect model including team efficacy, perceived loafing, instructor feedback, and team performance was proposed. Data were collected from students who registered for team project-based learning courses at a university in South Korea. A total of 420 cases were subjected to moderated mediation analysis. The results demonstrated that instructor feedback was negatively related to perceived loafing and moderated the relationship between team efficacy and perceived loafing. Furthermore, instructor feedback moderated the relationship between perceived loafing and team performance. In particular, even when perceived loafing was high, students who received frequent instructor feedback were found to significantly reduce the damage to team performance. Based on these findings, the importance of instructors’ facilitation in team project-based learning is discussed.


Keywords : Team project-based learning, Instructor feedback, Perceived loafing, Team efficacy, Team performance, Moderation 

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