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[Vol.24 No.2] Hanho JEONG (2023) A Study on the Relationship Analysis between Online Self-regulated Learning (OSRL), Satisfaction, and Continuous Participation Intention of Online Courses in University
  • 관리자
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  • 1438
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  • 2023-10-31 01:31:42

The purpose of this study is to explore the structural relationship between COVID-19-induced sub-dimensions of Online Self-Regulated Learning (OSRL) and satisfaction in online courses conducted in the ‘post-COVID-19 era,’ as well as to investigate the moderating effects of situational variables such as ‘course planning,’ ‘device type,’ and ‘course repetition.’ To achieve this, the study constructs a measurement model with sub-dimensions of Environment Structuring, Learning Strategy, Help Seeking, and Self-Evaluation as components of OSRL. Participants in this study were selected from university students who enrolled in online courses offered by the Department of Education at University A in the metropolitan area. The research findings reveal several key insights. First, among the sub-dimensions of Online Self-Regulated Learning, Environment Structuring, Learning Strategy, and Self-Evaluation significantly influence satisfaction with online courses. Second, students' satisfaction with online courses significantly influences their intention to continue participating in such courses. Third, ‘course planning’ during online course hours and ‘course repetition’ play a moderating role in the relationship between sub-dimensions of Online Self-Regulated Learning and satisfaction. Based on the discussion of these research results, this study concludes by suggesting some future implications and challenges of online courses.


Keywords : Online Courses, Social media, Online Self-regulated Learning (OSRL), Satisfaction, Continuous Participation Intention 

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이전글 [Vol.24 No.2] Huijin SEOK, Jiwon LEE, Eunjeong SONG, Jeongmin LEE (2023) Transforming Pre-service Teachers into Data-Driven Educators: A Developmental Research
다음글 [Vol.24 No.2] Ji Won YOU (2023) How Does the Frequency of Instructor Feedback Affect Perceived Loafing and Team Performance in Team Project-Based Learning? A Moderated Mediation Approach
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