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[Vol.24 No.2] Huijin SEOK, Jiwon LEE, Eunjeong SONG, Jeongmin LEE (2023) Transforming Pre-service Teachers into Data-Driven Educators: A Developmental Research
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  • 2509
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  • 2023-10-31 01:29:34

This study aims to develop instructional design strategies included in educational programs that can effectively improve the educational data literacy of pre-service teachers. We used the design and development model proposed by Richey and Klein and investigated its internal and external validity. Internal validity assessment involved the input of five experts who evaluated the initial instructional strategies. We conducted an educational data literacy education program with 29 pre-service teachers from Korean colleges and graduate schools for external validity. The effectiveness of the program was verified by the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test, which revealed a meaningful statistical difference between Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test post-scores after the four weeks of online classes. Therefore, this study developed instructional strategies followed by the steps of data-based decision-making: the final instructional strategies encompass 21 strategies, categorized for implementation before, during, and after classes, accompanied by 38 detailed guidelines. This approach bears notable significance as it encapsulates actionable and effective instructional strategies thoughtfully tailored to the unique circumstances and educational setting of the field, as well as the specific characteristics and requirements of the learners.


Keywords : Educational data literacy, Data-based decision-making, Pre-service teacher, Instructional strategy, Educational data
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  • 비밀번호


이전글 [Vol.24 No.2] Mingyeong JANG, Hyeon Woo LEE (2023) Pre-service Teachers' Education Needs for AI- Based Education Competency
다음글 [Vol.24 No.2] Hanho JEONG (2023) A Study on the Relationship Analysis between Online Self-regulated Learning (OSRL), Satisfaction, and Continuous Participation Intention of Online Courses in University
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